
Showing posts from May, 2017

April & May Favorites: Recommendations

Spring makeup is just the best makeup. Spring always inspires me to bust out the terracotta, gold, and peach-toned products and create dewey, fresh-faced looks. Spring just makes me think of sunshine and flowers and light, and I like to bring that into my makeup. I've basically been creating a gold eye look everyday and pairing it with peach blush and a gold highlight. As you may have noticed, I didn't get a chance to write a favorites blog last month, so this month is going to cover April and May. Without further ado, these are my Spring favorites for makeup. Rainforest of The Sea Color Splash Lipstick in Colada by Tarte ($21) - I've been dying to try one of Tarte's new Color Splash Lipsticks for a while. The packaging is ridiculously beautiful, and it's been getting fantastic reviews. I picked up the shade Colada during the Sephora VIB sale, and I've been loving it every since. It's a nice, terracotta toned nude shade that pairs perfectly with a golden

May Empties

Guys. I used up so. many. products. this month. I'm actually kind of impressed with myself. Plus, using things up is always a good excuse to buy new stuff. Anyway, these are the products I used up this month: Rose Salve by C.O. Bigelow ($9.80) - This is one of those things that I've had forever--we're talking more than four years, here--and I don't know where I got it or why I had it, but I decided to use it, and I didn't hate it. I've been putting this on my lips every night before I go to bed, and it makes my lips nice and soft and moisturized in the morning. In fairness, they dry out again very quickly, but it isn;t this product's fault that I have dry lips. The only thing I don't like is the packaging. It's a little tin, so you have to dip your finger in, which I don't think is sanitary. I would repurchase this though. Plus, it smells great and the packaging is super cute. Shape Tape Concealer by Tarte ($25.00) - Do I need to

Kiko: First Impressions Friday

Kiko is one of those brands that I've been dying to try for forever, but Kiko is kind of tough to get in the US, so I haven't been able to try it...until now. The other day, I was at the Oculus Mall in the World Trade Center, and they had a Kiko store there. I almost died of excitement (I mean, not really, but you know what I mean). Anyway, if you don't know, Kiko is an Italian cosmetic brand with fairly reasonable prices. Their products range in price from Wet n' Wild level to NYX prices. I picked up a few of their products while I was at the Kiko store, and today, I want to give you my *first impressions* (although, let's be real, I've been using this stuff for more than a week). Smart Nail Lacquer in #27 (Pearly Light Blue) - I'm back on the nail polish wagon after I fell off for a while, and I'm enjoying my return to makeup mountain. Kiko had their Smart nail polishes on sale for like $2, so, of course, I had to pick up some of their polishes.

Reviews: You Had Me At Aloha Eye Shadow Palette by Cargo

Guys, I'm so behind on reviewing palettes it isn't even funny. I've had this palette since February. That's right: FEBRUARY. I'm so ashamed. Anyway, I'm finally buckling down to review the You Had Me At Aloha Eye Shadow Palette by Cargo. First of all, I want to start off this post by saying that I love Cargo as a brand. Cargo never seems to get any love from the beauty-verse, and it's a really great brand. You can buy Cargo products from Ulta. They're a reasonably priced brand and they're products are generally great, so you should go check them out. A while ago, I wrote a review of Cargo's Land Down Under Palette , which is one of my favorite palettes of life. Because I liked that palette so much, I had to purchase the You Had Me At Aloha palette the second it was released. The You Had Me At Aloha Palette is limited edition, so I'm not sure if it's still available. But, if you can find it, it's $34 and it comes with 12 shadows, a

Fiona Stiles: First Impressions Friday

Okay, so this First Impressions blog is going to be the least first impression-y first impression ever. I bought these products during the Ulta 21 Days of Beauty sale (the whole brand was 50% off!), so this is really like my 30th impression of these products. Unfortunately, 30th Impression Friday doesn't sound very good, so is my not-first impression first impression of Fiona Stiles' new-ish line of products. In case you don't know, Fiona Stiles is a celebrity makeup artist who launched a new line of makeup about a year ago.  Her brand is available exclusively at Ulta, and, I gotta say, it's a pretty complete line. She's got foundation, powder, eye shadow, blush, eyeliner, the works! As a whole, my first impressions of the brand are positive. They're reasonably priced and the packaging is gorgeous. I love how everything is so pretty and purple and matching. The brand just looks so sleek and elegant. I ended up picking up four products: two blushes, an eye